Islamabad: On 25thAugust 2020, CGSS signed Memorandum of Understandings (MoU) with Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FPCCI) at Lahore. The MoUwas signed by Ms. Mehreen Gul, Director, CGSS and Ms. Qaisra Sheikh, Coordinator Women Seat, FPCCI, Regional Office, Lahore on behalf of their respective organizations.
Following the MoU signing ceremony, future prospects in the areas of trade and economy were discussed. Both the organizations decided to work together in areas of mutual interest. Moreover, joint ventures of CGSS and FPCCI for enhancing trade relations with Eurasian countries were also brought under consideration. It was decided that CGSS and FPCCI willmutually work towards trade enhancement forpromotion of economic relations with other countries.
The MoU signing ceremony was also attended by:
• Brigadier Abdullah Khan (Retd), Member Advisory Board CGSS
• Lt Col Khalid Taimur Akram (Retd), Executive Director, CGSS
• Ms. Palwasha Nawaz, Project Executive, CGSS. – PR