CGSS officials interact with Hungarian, Egyptian Envoys

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: Lt Col Khalid Taimur Akram (Retd), Executive Director, Center for Global & Strategic Studies (CGSS), Islamabad visited the Embassy of Hungary, Islamabad and met His Excellency Bela Fazekas, Ambassador of Hungary to Pakistan, here this Tuesday.
During the detailed meeting, it was decided that CGSS and the Embassy of Hungary, Islamabad will mutually work in the fields of common interest. Both parties agreed to work for the enhancement of people to people contact and for the development of business opportunities between both countries.
CGSS vowed to extend its full support and cooperation to the Embassy of Hungary for its initiatives and projects. Furthermore, His Excellency Bela Fazekas, Ambassador of Hungary to Pakistan praised the efforts of CGSS in enhancing bilateral relations between both countries.

The meeting was also attended by Mr. Tivadar Takacs, Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of Hungary, Islamabad; LTC Gabor ORAVECZ, Defence, Military & Air Attaché, Embassy of Hungary, Islamabad; Mr. Szabolcs Benyi, First Secretary, Embassy of Hungary, Islamabad and Ms. Minahil Shawal Afridi, Research Executive, CGSS.
In a separate meeting, CGSS Management under the leadership of Lt Col Khalid Taimur Akram (Retd), Executive Director, CGSS met His Excellency Tarek Dahroug, Ambassador of Egypt to Pakistan accompanied by Dr. Amir Nasr Eldin, First Secretary, Embassy of Egypt, Islamabad, Mr. Ahmed Yousry and Second Secretary, Embassy of Egypt, Islamabad.
During the detailed meeting, it was decided that CGSS will collaborate with Al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt in mutual areas of interest including academic exchange programs and joint research activities. It was also discussed that CGSS will work with other universities in Egypt.
Furthermore, both parties agreed to collaboratively work for the enhancement of bilateral relations and people to people contact between both the countries. Both parties also agreed to work for business exploration opportunities to strengthen economic ties between Egypt and Pakistan.
Various projects of mutual interests were also discussed and it was decided that CGSS will actively engage in activities with different institutions in Egypt. The meeting was also attended by Major Gohar Zia (Retd), Member Board of Experts, CGSS; Mr. Tariq Khattak, Member Board of Experts, CGSS; Mr. Tariq Qureshi, Member Board of Experts, CGSS; Ms. Palwasha Nawaz, Project Executive, CGSS; Ms. Minahil Shawal Afridi, Research Executive, CGSS and Mr. Asad Ur Rehman, IT Executive, CGSS.