China appreciates investment in Africa, says FM Wang Yi

BEIJING: China-Africa cooperation has become a pioneer in global cooperation with Africa, and has promoted other countries to pay more attention to Africa and increase their investment in Africa, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said, adding that this is a good thing for Africa, and as a friend of Africa, China is also happy about it.
China-Africa cooperation features an early launch, rapid progress, various fields, heavy investment and fruitful results, Wang said in an interview with the People’s Daily as he concluded on Saturday his visits to five African nations, namely Nigeria, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Botswana, Tanzania and Seychelles.
In its cooperation with Africa, China always follows the principle of sincerity, real results, amity and good faith and the principle of pursuing the greater good and shared interests, he said.
China, he added, has consistently done more good deeds and delivered more tangible results for the wellbeing of the African people while respecting and listening to Africa in line with Africa’s needs and interests.
Meanwhile, the Asian country never attaches any political strings and never interferes in Africa’s internal affairs, which is welcomed by African countries, Wang said.
According to the Chinese foreign minister, China has built over 6,000 km of railways and roads respectively, nearly 20 ports and over 80 large electric power facilities, and constructed over 130 medical facilities, 45 stadiums and over 170 schools across Africa. Also, China has sent 21,000 medical workers to 48 African countries and treated about 220 million African patients. Noting that the tangible achievements of China-Africa cooperation have blossomed everywhere on the African continent, which have met Africa’s needs and improved the African people’s livelihood, Wang said it is undeniable that China-Africa cooperation is a well-deserved leading endeavor in international cooperation with Africa.
– The Daily Mail-People’s Daily News exchange item