‘China assures more investment under CPEC’

-Gen. Asim Bajwa hails China’s firm support over early completion of CPEC
-Visits Textile Mill established by Chinese firm
-Highlights progress in CPEC projects
-Says CPEC is generating economic revolution in Pakistan

From Abid Usman

LAHORE: Chairman CPEC Authority Lt. Gen. Asim Saleem Bajwa here on Tuesday said that China would bring more investment in the Special Economic Zones (SEZs) under China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). He said investment of around US $13 billion had already been made in various sectors under the mega project while an additional investment of US $ 12 billion was in the pipeline.
He made these remarks while addressing the media after visiting a textile mill established by a Chinese company “Challenge Group”.
Expressing satisfaction over the establishment of the factory of international standard by the Challenge Group, he said the owner of the company was now keen to establish his own Special Economic Zone in Pakistan that would be exclusively an export oriented zone and all the goods produced by that SEZ would be exported to other countries. He said a number of more Chinese were lining up for investment in Pakistan’s industrial sector and soon all would be accommodated.
Asim Bajwa said the visa date was also being extended for the Chinese investors as the period of visas was being increased from three months to two years. He said CPEC was bringing economic revolution in Pakistan and its benefits could be witnessed clearly in Gwadar port city.
He said there was no limit of cooperation with China as it was ready to cooperate with Pakistan in every field. He said Prime Minister Imran Khan himself was leading issues related to agriculture livestock sectors.
On the other hand, A Chinese Foreign Ministry’s spokesperson on Monday appreciated Prime Minister Imran Khan’s remarks on China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and said that the Chinese side was having discussion with third parties, including Afghanistan on the extension of the flagship project.
“We have noted the relevant remarks by Prime Minister Imran Khan, and we appreciate it,” Zhao Lijian said during his regular briefing while responding to a question on PM Imran Khan’s remarks about CPEC.
While chairing a recent high level meeting, the prime minister had stated that the CPEC) will bring economic progress not only to Pakistan, but the entire region.
The spokesperson said that the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) was an open and inclusive international economic cooperation initiative that was dedicated to improve connectivity and to achieve common development. “The CPEC as pioneering projects of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has made important and major progress in infrastructure, energy, ports and industrial parks,” he added.
In the meantime, he said, “We are also extending it to regional countries, including Afghanistan. This will not only boost faster economic development in Pakistan, but also regional connectivity.” Zhao Lijian said that China would like to work with Pakistan for high quality development of the CPEC and extend it to regional countries, improve people’s well being and play a bigger role in regional connectivity and economic integration.
To a specific question on third party participation in the CPEC framework, he informed that China was having discussion with third parties, including Afghanistan, on the extension of CPEC.
The two sides were having consultations through diplomatic channels, he said and added, “We notice that Afghanistan is importing and exporting goods through Gwadar and Karachi ports. High speed highways are also being extended to Afghanistan.” To yet another question, he dismissed Indian claim that the CPEC was passing through a disputed territory and said that China had stated its principled position on Kashmir many times.