China, Bangladesh always cooperate toward a better future

From Yao Wen

At the invitation of Premier Li Qiang, Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is paying an official visit to China from Monday to Wednesday. This is Sheikh Hasina’s fifth visit to China and her first in five years.
This visit is of historic significance, as it will enable the two sides to build on the past achievements and forge bilateral relations in the future. During the visit, Sheikh Hasina will hold meetings with and call on Chinese leaders. The visit, therefore, will inject vibrant impetus into bilateral relations and cooperation in various fields, and help make new achievements in the China-Bangladesh strategic partnership of cooperation and elevate bilateral ties to new heights.
The friendship between China and Bangladesh was founded and nurtured by the older generation of leaders of both countries. In the 49 years since the establishment of diplomatic ties, China and Bangladesh have always respected and treated each other as equals, pursued mutual benefit and win-win results, supported each other on issues concerning each other’s core interests, and worked together on the path to realizing their respective development and revitalization, thus setting a shining example of friendly coexistence and win-win cooperation.
The amicable cooperation between China and Bangladesh exhibits strong vitality, dynamism, and growth potential, is not targeted at any third party, and is welcomed and supported by people of both countries, contributing to regional and international peace and stability, as well as fostering development and prosperity.
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has reiterated that China is Bangladesh’s most trustworthy development partner and most reliable friend. This is the most vivid portrayal of the relationship between the two countries.
Since the establishment of diplomatic relations 49 years ago, China and Bangladesh have made remarkable achievements in their respective national construction, economic development and modernization drive. China has become the world’s second-largest economy, won the biggest poverty-alleviation battle in history, built a moderately prosperous society in all respects on schedule, and advanced the great cause of building China into a strong country and achieving national rejuvenation through Chinese modernization.
Bangladesh seeks to be self-reliant in feeding nearly 180 million Bangladeshi people, and to maintain long-term political stability and realize rapid economic development. The country’s average annual GDP growth rate in the past decade has exceeded 6 percent, and its GDP is more than $450 billion and per capita GDP nearly $2,800 Its economic strength has risen to the second place in South Asia.
Bangladesh has transformed from one of the poorest countries into one of the fastest growing economies in the world, leading South Asian countries in terms of life expectancy, literacy, and female labor force participation rate, performing what is popularly called the “Bay of Bengal Miracle” and becoming one of the leaders in the Global South.
Bangladesh’s aim is to graduate from a least-developed country to a middle-income country by 2026, an upper-middle income country by 2031, and a developed country by 2041, realizing the goals of “Vision 2041” and the dream of “Sonar Bangla” (Golden Bangladesh).
The sound and stable development of China-Bangladesh relations can be attributed to the guidance of the leaders of both countries. In 2016, Chinese President Xi Jinping paid a historic state visit to Bangladesh during which, the relationship between the two countries was elevated to the level of a strategic partnership of cooperation, paving the way for China-Bangladesh friendly cooperation in the new era. And during Sheikh Hasina’s visit to China in 2019, the bilateral relationship was elevated to an even higher level.
China supports Bangladesh in its endeavor to safeguard its sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity, while opposing external interference in its internal affairs. It also supports Bangladesh in its efforts to independently choose a development path that suits its national conditions, and pursue a foreign policy based on “friendship with all, malice toward none”. Bangladesh, on its part, adheres to the one-China principle and staunchly supports China in safeguarding its sovereignty, national security, territorial integrity and development interests.
Also, China and Bangladesh share similar historical experiences, abide by similar foreign policies, values and development concepts, and have always supported each other. On the path of Bangladesh’s modernization, China is a loyal companion and an active contributor. –The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item