China cares for developing countries

By Lu Xue

Against the backdrop that the US is taking on China as a top competitor and US President Joe Biden has been attempting to rally Western allies to contain China, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Friday said, “Past, present and in the future, China always stands together with developing countries. China’s vote in the United Nations is always for the well-being of developing countries.” Wang made the remarks while attending the Lanting Forum on China and the UN: Cooperation in 50 Years and Beyond that was held on Friday.
Su Hao, director of the Center for Strategic and Peace Studies at China Foreign Affairs University, told Global Times on Sunday, “Wang’s words have some implications. The just-concluded G7 summit clearly indicates that the US hopes to yoke its Western allies as well as South Korea and Japan – nearly all developed countries – to its anti-China chariot. Judging from the communiqués of the recent G7 and NATO summits, these developed countries have to coordinate with the US to confront China. By contrast, the majority of developing countries will not follow their pattern. In this context, China will attach more importance to deepening its ties with developing countries.”
The US-led Western bloc has long been pursuing hegemony in politics, economy and militarily. They are arrogant in culture and have attempted to carry out long-arm jurisdiction over developing countries. They have tried to impose their ideology and political system on developing countries and to restrict these countries’ development.
Although after World War II, many developing countries ended colonial rule by Western developed countries, the West still dominates or even controls the economies of developing countries. Western developed countries engage in unfair trade practices with developing countries, resulting in chronic poverty in most developing countries.
Su said, “With more space for cooperation among developing countries, it is expected to see the collective rise of developing countries. China’s rise can provide developing countries a decent condition for advancing their economic development.”
These Western developed countries are seeking supremacy. They are actually engaging in the confrontation between a handful of superiors and the value of the vast developing world. The Western developed countries cannot represent the entire world. Two recent cases in the UN can demonstrate this.
At the 47th session of the UN Human Rights Council on Tuesday, more than 90 countries expressed their support and understanding of China’s stance, and 65 of them clearly opposed interference in China’s domestic affairs in Xinjiang, Hong Kong, and Tibet under the excuse of human rights, after Canada led more than 40 countries to release a joint statement to make groundless accusations against China on Xinjiang-related topics.
Furthermore, at a UN meeting on Wednesday, 184 countries voted in favor of a resolution to demand the end of the US economic blockade of Cuba, for the 29th year in a row, with just the US and Israel voting against.
As the largest developing country, China has for a long time attached great importance to its relations with developing countries and regards developing countries as the basis of China’s diplomacy. China’s restoration of a legitimate seat in the UN in 1971 and the big role China has been playing on the international stage partly come from the support of most developing countries. China has also lent a helping hand to assist developing countries to reduce poverty and improve their people’s well-being.
Wang’s words that “China’s vote in the United Nations is always for the well-being of developing countries” will help developing countries better understand China’s willingness to support them, which will facilitate their cooperation with China. This will lead the world in a fairer and more equitable direction.
–The Daily Mail-Global Times News Exchange Item