China commends Pakistan’s firm stance on CPEC

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BEIJING: Government of China has highly appreciated President Dr. Arif Alvi’s remarks about the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) where he termed the CPEC as a visionary pilot project of Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) which not only served to promote socio economic development of Pakistan and China but also aimed to enhance regional connectivity and shared prosperity.
“We have noted these reports and we commend President Alvi’s comments on the CPEC,” Chinese Foreign Ministry’s Spokesperson, Zhao Lijian said during his regular briefing held here.
“As President Dr Arif Alvi said the visionary CPEC as important pilot project of the BRI not only serves to promote China and Pakistan’s socio economic development but also aims to enhance regional connectivity and share prosperity,” he added.
He said, since its launch tangible outcomes in areas like energy, transportation infrastructure and ports had been achieved making concrete contributions to Pakistan’s national development.
Zhao Lijian remarked that both Pakistan and China supported exploring possibility of opening the corridor to third parties based on consensus through consultation.
“If we look at Gwadar port as an example nearly 20,000 tonnes of commodities such as wheat, sugar and fertilizers have been transferred through the port to Afghanistan creating almost a 1000 temporary jobs,” he added.
He said that China firmly supported the development of CPEC and stood ready to work with Pakistan to fully implement the consensus reached between the two leaders, focus on cooperation, social development, livelihood, industry and agriculture while advancing current projects to turn CPEC into a demonstration programme for high quality development of the BRI and bring more benefits to the two peoples.
In an interview, President Alvi had said that he was optimistic about the future of Pakistan. As a result of CPEC projects, Pakistan was going to emerge as international geo strategic Economic hub. He said, the CPEC also created favourable conditions for realizing connectivity between China, Pakistan and central Asian countries and Pakistan would further elevate cooperation with China various areas and accelerate high quality development CPEC.
In a response to a question, he contradicted remarks of the US Secretary of State about influence of China’s infrastructure deals from Laos to Montenegro to Pakistan. He said that for some US politicians, attacking China was a check-list they need to do every day. “This is so true for Pompeo.”
Zhao Lijian said that China’s relationship with Laos, Pakistan and Montenegro was a traditional friendship and the US Secretary of State Pompeo did not need to waste his breath on sowing discord between us.
Earlier, China on Tuesday lauded Prime Minister’s Advisor on National Security, Moeed Tusuf for his remarks about the situation in Xinjiang and upholding a fair and objective stance on the relevant issue.
“China commends this position. It proves that seeing is believing. China commends Pakistani side for upholding a fair and objective position on relevant issue,” Chinese Foreign Ministry’s Spokesperson Zhao Lijian said during his regular briefing held here.
He said, in fact, the international community knows very well that what the truth is on Xinjiang related issues.
“As many as 48 countries made a joint statement at the third committee of the UN General Assembly expressing just stance on relevant issue.” He said, these countries showed their understanding and support to China’s position and opposed politicizing and applying double standard on human rights issues and also opposed groundless accusations against China.
“This shows people know what is true and what is false,” he added.
Zhao informed that since 2018, more than a thousand people from more than 90 countries and regions have visited Xinjiang. They have seen themselves that Xinjiang is stable, prosperous and enjoying rapid development.
He said, all spoke highly on counter terrorism and de-radicalization efforts in Xinjiang. They believe these efforts are worth learning. “We welcome all people upholding objective and fair stance to visit Xinjiang where they can see what is happening in Xinjiang on ground,” he added. Zhao said that the Chinese side believes that more countries will speak for truth and for justice just like Pakistan has done.
Ntional Security Adviser Moeed Yusuf said in a recent interview that Pakistani delegations visited Xinjiang and saw the real situation there. People of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang enjoy equal rights protected by law and lead happy lives.