China, Congo sign MoU on BRI co-op

DM Monitoring

KINSHASA: China and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) signed here a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for cooperation on the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Visiting Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi and his DRC counterpart Marie Tumba Nzeza signed the MoU between the two governments after their talks earlier in Kinshasa.
Wang said the BRI is an important international cooperation initiative and is committed to promoting economic complementarity among countries, synergizing development strategies, forming joint development efforts, and realizing common development and prosperity.
At present, China has signed BRI cooperation documents with 44 African countries, Wang said, adding that China welcomes the DRC as its 45th partner in Africa in BRI cooperation. Wang said the signing of the MoU by the two sides will send a positive signal to the world that China and DRC are committed to common development and prosperity. It will also drive economic cooperation between the two countries, create a stronger momentum for mutually beneficial cooperation, and open up broader prospects for bilateral relations.
Meanwhile, The Democratic Republic of the Congo (the DRC) President Felix Tshisekedi met with visiting Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Wednesday in Kinshasa.
Tshisekedi said the DRC cherishes its friendship with China and always regards China as a good friend.
He said the DRC is willing to carry on the friendly tradition between the two countries and further develop bilateral relations. Tshisekedi said the DRC thanks for China’s help in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic and developing its economy. Tshisekedi hoped that the joint economic and trade committee between the two countries will be reopened as soon as possible to push for more mutually beneficial results of bilateral cooperation that will benefit the people.
The DRC, which will soon assume the rotating chair of the African Union (AU), is willing to actively participate in Africa-China cooperation and welcomes more Chinese enterprises to invest in the country and strengthen cooperation in infrastructure and other areas, Tshisekedi said.
He hoped the two sides will strengthen coordination and cooperation and expand Africa’s voice in international affairs.
For his part, Wang Yi said that mutual support and trust is a fine tradition between China and the DRC. China appreciates the DRC government’s willingness to carry forward the tradition of China-DRC friendship and wants to be the DRC’s long-term and reliable cooperation partner.
Wang said his visit aims to convey three clear messages regarding bilateral ties.
Firstly, China supports the government of the DRC in safeguarding national unity and stability.
Stability is a prerequisite for development, Wang said, adding that China never interferes in other countries’ internal affairs and respects the choice made by the people of the DRC.
“We cherish old friends and also value making new friends. We are ready to continue to speak out for the DRC in the international arena. We believe that the two sides will continue to stand firmly together on issues concerning each other’s core interests,” said Wang.
Secondly, China supports the DRC government in developing and revitalizing the economy.
“We are ready to convene a joint economic and trade committee with the DRC at an early date to help the DRC translate its resources advantages into development advantages,” said Wang.
During this visit, the two countries signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for cooperation on the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), which will push mutually beneficial cooperation between the two countries to a new level, Wang said.
China-DRC cooperation is South-South cooperation and mutual help and support between friends, Wang said, adding that China has never attached political strings to its assistance to the DRC.
China is ready to help the DRC develop itself and improve people’s livelihood, Wang said. The Chinese side has been urging Chinese companies in the DRC to follow the right approach to justice and interests, abide by the laws and regulations of the DRC and respect local customs and habits.
Thirdly, China supports the DRC in assuming the rotating chair of the AU.
Wang said China and Africa are a community with a shared future, and the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) has played an important role in promoting China-Africa relations and the development of African countries.
“We are ready to step up communication and coordination with the DRC and make positive contributions to the success of the new session of the FOCAC,” said Wang.
China congratulates the commencement of the African Continental Free Trade Area on January 1 this year, supports Africa’s efforts to strengthen itself through unity and promote integration, and hopes that Africa will play a bigger role in international affairs, Wang said.
Wang stressed that China is a win-win partner in the DRC’s pursuit of development and rejuvenation. It is believed that with the joint efforts of both sides, the traditional friendship between China and the DRC will surely write a new chapter in history.
On the same day, Wang also held talks with his DRC counterpart Marie Tumba Nzeza and jointly met the press. Following the talks, the two foreign ministers signed an MoU between the two governments on jointly promoting the construction of the BRI.