China desires consolidated ties with Pakistan

BEIJING: Chinese Def­en­ce Minister Wei Fenghe has said that China is willing to work with Pakistan to focus on building a community of human destiny, consolidate the all-weather friendship and deepen pragmatic cooperation between the two armed forces.
Talking to Chief of the Naval Staff Admiral Zafar Mah­mood Abbasi here, Wei said China and Paki­stan were good neighbours, good friends and good partners.
He said his country was ready to provide security guarantees for the One Belt, One Road project. He said that under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, the people throughout the country were striving hard to realise the Chinese dream.
Admiral Abbasi congratulated the world-renowned achievements of the Chinese armed forces. He said Pakistan cherished the traditional friendship with China and was willing to deepen exchanges and cooperation between the two armed forces in high-level exchanges, practical training, and equipment and technology, and promote the development of relations between the two countries and the two armed forces.