China expands enrollment for joint programs with overseas colleges

BEIJING: China is expanding the enrollment for joint education programs with overseas colleges to take in qualified students who are facing difficulties in their plans to study abroad due to the ongoing pandemic, the Ministry of Education announced on Wednesday.
Due to the impact of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and restrictions on border entry, visas and flights, some Chinese students who have been forced to change, postpone or even cancel their overseas programs can now enroll in joint education programs with global partners in China. According to an announcement published by the Ministry of Education on Wednesday, some China-foreign joint education institutions and programs, as well as those between the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, are allowed to take in students who previously received offers from overseas universities. Their enrollment should be an addition to the original enrollment plan, and not take up the places of the students who have already been admitted into these universities and programs through the national college entrance system. According to the Ministry of Education, 90 joint education programs from 19 provincial-level regions will be made available for the additional enrollment. The Ministry of Education is also working to guide students from overseas programs to continue their studies at home through online sessions. Domestic universities are also encouraged to provide short-term study exchange opportunities to these affected students. The education departments of Chinese embassies and consulates abroad are also working actively with their counterparts in the host countries and urging them to address the difficulties Chinese students are facing in the pursuit of their studies abroad, according to the announcement.
– The Daily Mail-Global Times News exchange item