China focuses on Green development under BRI


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BEIJING: The State Council Information Office of China released a white paper on the country’s energy development, titled “Energy in China’s New Era”. According to the white paper, China has been working on enhancing international energy cooperation and green development.
China is the largest renewable energy market and the largest manufacturer of clean energy equipment in the world. China is actively promoting the global transition to green and low-carbon energy and cooperation in renewable energy. The Karot Hydropower station and Jinnah Photovoltaic Park are mentioned in the White Paper as successful samples.
China has already set out to further expedite constructing Green BRI this month. On December 1, during the Policy Studies Release and Launching of BRI Green Development Institute Event in Beijing, the BRI International Green Development Coalition (BRIGC) released the “Green Development Guidance for BRI Projects Baseline Study Report”.
The Guidance proposes a measure to classify projects into three categories of “red”, “yellow”, and “green” according to their positive and negative impact on the three environmental dimensions of climate, pollution, and biodiversity. This will allow for acceleration of green and deceleration of brown BRI investments.
“We’ve been working on providing early warning mechanisms and green solutions to mitigate negative ecological, environmental, and climate impacts for BRI projects, and improve pollution prevention and control and green development,” said Christoph NEDOPIL WANG, the director of the IIGF Green BRI Center spoke at the Policy Studies Release.
China has been stepping up its development of clean energy and has become a world leader in this field. In 2019, China’s carbon emissions decreased by 48.1% than 2005, exceeding the target of a 40-45% reduction by 2020.
The development of the clean energy sector in China also provides experience and benefit to Pakistan. CPEC projects including hydropower, wind power and photovoltaic power have not only solved power shortage in Pakistan, but also accelerated the transformation of energy structure and cultivated a huge number of professional talents in this field for Pakistan.
According to the White Paper, China will continue to carry out extensive cooperation with BRI countries in clear energy sector including trade, investment, production capacity, equipment, technology and standards, and support Pakistan and other developing countries in enhancing their capacity to cope with climate change.