China helps Pakistan to improve mass transit

Beijing: The State Council Information Office of China released a white paper, titled “Sustainable Development of Transport in China,” on the country’s transport development to provide a full picture of its achievements in the field and share its strategy and activities in building a sustainable transport system.
The White Paper summarizes the development and achievements of China’s transport sector in 2020 and highlights the development of transport projects under CPEC.
According to the White Paper, China has been strengthening mutually beneficial cooperation with other countries in the field of transportation connectivity. China has actively propelled ML-1 project and completed the Lahore Orange Line project.
Railway Minister, described ML-1 railway project under CPEC as a revolutionary project that transformed the entire railway structure in Pakistan, meanwhile helped control railway accidents and created 150,000 jobs.
Subway is an important means of transportation in China and total number of passengers exceeded 28 billion in 2019.
This October, the Orange Line opened, welcoming more than 40,000 passengers on its first day, marking the beginning of the “Metro Era” in Pakistan. It means that the Pakistani people can also enjoy China’s advanced mode of transport.
The White Paper also mentioned the Peshawar-Karachi Expressway and the Second phase of the Karakoram Highway.
On the port side, China participated in the construction and operation of Gwadar Port. With Pakistan’s active participation and joint efforts, the international connectivity architecture has basically taken shape. –Agencies