China High-Tech Agricultural Fair kicks off in Shaanxi

BEIJING: China Yangling Agricultural High-tech Fair to focus on ensuring national food security, supporting high-quality agricultural development and promoting innovation driven rural revitalization strategy kicked off in Shaanxi province, China.
The Fair, jointly sponsored by the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Areas, Ministry of Commerce, Chinese Academy of Sciences, State Forestry and Grassland Administration, State Intellectual Property Office and Shaanxi provincial people’s government in China will last for five days.
“Scientific and Technological Innovation Boosting Rural Revitalization” will be the theme of this year. More than 10 agriculture related districts, counties and development zones, 150 rural collective economic organizations and 130 agricultural science and technology enterprises participated in the expo. “I have been following the expo for 6 years, and I am really impressed with the progress of agricultural development made by the Chinese people.” Pakistani student Jin Letian, (Chinese name) told media. “I came to the fair to find innovative methods to increase crop yields for Pakistani farmers, since data suggests that the yields of wheat, sugarcane, maize and other crops have risen throughout years in China,” Jin told, “I have been told that organic fertilizer is one key reason behind the rise of yields. Moreover, the concept of “Smart farming” contributed a lot.
“Chinese farmers are using modern information and communication technologies to manage their farms, which means, with the help of sensor technologies, data analytic solutions, software applications and telematics technologies, Chinese farmers now can monitor field conditions without even going to the field and make strategic decisions for the whole farm or for a single plant. – Agencies