China highlights media’s job against pandemic

BEIJING: A spokesperson of Chinese Foreign Ministry Zhao Lijian said the fourth China-Arab Media Cooperation Forum was organized to highlight the media’s responsibility in enhancing common development against COVID-19.
The Forum was held this week under the framework of the CASCF via video link.
He told newsmen here that Xu Lin, Director of the Information Office of the State Council, ministers and officials in charge of press affairs of governments of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Bahrain, and Lebanon, and major media representatives attended the forum.
They held discussions and exchanges under the theme of “media’s responsibility in enhancing the common development of China and Arab States against COVID-19.
According to the spokesperson, this meeting was an important step to implement the outcomes of the ninth ministerial meeting of the CASCF held in July this year.
It fully reflects the firm determination of the news departments of China and Arab States to act from a sense of responsibility, build consensus, use their voices to foster an enabling atmosphere of public opinion for mutually beneficial cooperation, and spread positive energy of fairness, justice, mutual benefit and win-win results. Communication builds bridges and trust is the cornerstone of cooperation. – Agencies