China hopes early success for Afghan peace process

BEIJING: The intra-Afghan negotiations have opened a window of opportunity for realizing peace and stability in Afghanistan, this was stated by a spokesperson of Chinese Foreign Ministry Zhao Lijian at a news conference.
”China always supports an “Afghan-led and Afghan-owned” inclusive peace and reconciliation process, and maintains that the two sides should resolve the issue at the negotiating table instead of on the battlefield.
It is hoped that both sides will put nation and people first, seize the opportunity, seek common ground while shelving differences, find the greatest common denominator, have confidence and show good faith, exercise patience and restraint, and strive for early outcomes.
China holds that the international community, including the United States, should play a constructive role in advancing intra-Afghan talks and support relevant parties in doing their best to promote peace talks.
At the same time, we believe that no one should arbitrarily interfere in the peace and reconciliation process for selfish interests.
To safeguard and promote security and stability in Afghanistan is an important prerequisite for peace, reconciliation, reconstruction and development.
The Afghan issue is complicated and difficult to resolve. Internal and external factors must work in concert towards the same direction in order to achieve intended outcomes.
The United States is the biggest external factor on this issue. It should withdraw troops in an orderly and responsible manner, prevent further escalation of violence in Afghanistan, and create a favorable external environment for intra-Afghan negotiations, rather than the opposite.”– Agencies