China keeps promise to impose counter-sanctions on US

By Zhong Sheng

To solve the problems of bilateral relations, we open our door for talks. However, if we are offended, we will resolutely fight back till the end. Facts prove that China has never gone back at its word. On July 23, China announced to take reciprocal countermeasures and impose sanctions on seven US individuals and entity including former US Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross according to the Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law of China.
This was a move responding to the so-called “Hong Kong Business Advisory” fabricated by the US that groundlessly smeared Hong Kong’s business environment and illegally imposed sanctions on several officials of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR). It bears out what China said earlier: “All the Chinese people, including Hong Kong compatriots, will not accept it and will certainly counterattack.”
China’s countermeasures didn’t mean a surprise to the US. No more than three hours after China’s announcement, the spokesperson of the White House said the US was “undeterred” by China’s move, employing a misleading tactic that disguised the US, one who provoked China, as a “victim.”
It was not the first time for such tit-for-tat confrontation. With repeated and severe violation of international law and the basic norms governing international relations, the US has seriously interfered in China’s domestic affairs, indulging in wishful thinking that China would compromise and even daydreaming that China would give up its core interests and issues of major concern.
However, China’s resolution to safeguard its national sovereignty, security and development interests is still indestructible, and the country never fears US provocations. Washington should’ve waked up from its illusions. It shall abandon the belief that its long-arm jurisdiction works everywhere in the world, and stop deeming it possible for itself alone to define the range of the “guardrail” of China-US relations.
The US must understand that when it waves the big stick of sanctions at Hong Kong, the Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law of China definitely works. Besides, the arbitrary practice of the White House is also opposed by the 1,300 American firms running businesses in Hong Kong, as it stands in the way of their market expansion in the special administrative region. It’s still remembered how China firmly counterattacked the US when the latter once again lifted sanctions on China over Hong Kong related issues on March 17.
–The Daily Mail-Global Times news exchange item