China lauds WHO for COVID-19 response

DM Monitoring

BEIJING: China on Monday praised World Health Organization (WHO) for its role it played in assisting countries to respond the Covid-19 outbreak besides promoting international cooperation in the fight against epidemics.
“Since the outbreak, the WHO has maintained an objective, scientific and fair position and actively performed its responsibilities. It has played an important role in assisting countries to respond to the outbreak and promote international cooperation in the fight against epidemics,” Chinese Foreign Ministry’s Spokesperson, Zhao Lijian said during his regular briefing held here. He said recently, the Secretary-General of the United Nations and many national leaders and heads of international organizations had expressed support for WHO.
A few days ago, the UN General Assembly passed a resolution by consensus, affirming the role of WHO.
“The statement issued by the G20 Leaders Special Summit recently held also emphasized that it fully supports and commits to further strengthening the World Health Organization’s responsibility for coordinating international anti-epidemic actions, which reflects the general position of the international community,” he added. The spokesperson remarked that the Chinese side had said many times that in the face of the serious threat posed by the new coronavirus pneumonia epidemic to humanity, the international community could only win the battle if it established the concept of a community of human destiny, united and cooperated and responded together. Countries should transcend ideological similarities and differences and get rid of all kinds of unfounded accusations.