China plans pro-consumption drive

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BEIJING: China will launch nationwide pro-consumption projects in September to boost sales of products from poor areas in an effort to promote poverty alleviation, the country’s poverty relief authority said Friday.
The month-long programs have been jointly organized by 11 departments including the State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development, Hong Tianyun, deputy head of the office, told a news conference.
As many products from poverty-stricken regions become available in September, a series of promotional activities will be introduced to set up sales counters and leverage online platforms to help tap into business opportunities.
The move is an effective way to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 and continous floods since July, Hong said, as the country has enhanced efforts to achieve the goal of eliminating absolute poverty this year.
Sales of products from poor areas have topped 102.7 billion yuan (about 14.9 billion U.S. dollars) amid consumption-powered poverty reduction efforts, data from the office showed.