China-Russia to continue bilateral ties a high level

BEIJING: Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang on Monday held a phone conversation with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov at the latter’s invitation, the Chinese Foreign Ministry said in a statement.
Qin expressed his hope to continue close exchanges with Lavrov to push forward the China-Russia relationship, which is based on non-alignment, non-confrontation and non-targeting of third parties.
China is ready to join its Russian counterpart in fully implementing the major consensus reached by the two heads of state, Qin noted.
Under the strategic guidance of the two heads of state, the China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for a new era has maintained its development at a high level, exchanges and cooperation in various fields has been deepened, and the public opinion base for friendly relations between the two countries has continued to be consolidated, Qin said.
Lavrov congratulated Qin on his recent appointment and and expressed his expectation to lead foreign ministries of the two countries to continue to carry out close cooperation, fully implement the important consensus reached by the two heads of state and promote the China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination to continuously achieve new results.
The two sides also exchanged views on the Ukraine crisis and other issues.
–The Dialy Mail-CGTN
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