China-SCO institute of Economy & Trade offers platform for int’l students

QINGDAO: “The China-SCO Institute of Economy and Trade has provided us international students with a broader platform to acquire helpful general knowledge and we have more choices in our study and career,” highlighted Ahmer Bilal, a Paki-stani student who recently completed his Ph.D. in Geology at Shandong University of Science and Technology (SDUST).
During the inauguration ceremony of the International Exchange Center at the China-SCO In-stitute of Economy and Trade held last week, Ahmer Bilal highly appreciated the joint efforts of the institute and Chinese universities in offering comprehensive and practical training, includ-ing language, business, and preparatory courses. “As a science student, the curriculum was de-signed to be easily understandable and interesting. My university fellows and I all wish we could attend more of these courses,” he said in an interview with China Economic Net.
The China-SCO Institute of Economy and Trade was established following Chinese President Xi Jinping’s announcement on September 17, 2021, during the 21st meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. President Xi Jinping announced the opening of the institute to promote business and trade cooperation among SCO countries. The institute was inaugurated in Qingdao in January 2022.
The institute, which is based on the China-SCO Local Economic and Trade Cooperation Demonstration Area, aims to have a national influence and serve SCO countries and the coun-tries along the “Belt and Road” initiative.
Its objectives include nurturing international econom-ic and trade talents, training international officials and technical personnel, conducting research on countries’ economies and trade, fostering international economy and trade exchanges and cooperation, and becoming a top-tier university specialized in cultivating talents in foreign eco-nomics and trade.
As of June 2023, the institute had successfully organized 141 training courses on Chinese for-eign aid training and economic and trade training, covering topics such as international logistics and transportation, cross-border e-commerce, and more. These courses benefited 10,512 partici-pants from 43 SCO countries and countries along the Belt and Road initiative. –Agencies