China shows readiness to hold talks with NATO

DM Monitoring

BEIJING: China hopes NATO will adopt the correct outlook toward the country and stands ready to engage in dialogue with the group, foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said during a regular briefing on Tuesday.
Earlier this year, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said that China was willing to continuously strengthen dialogue and cooperation with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) on the basis of equality and mutual respect.
Wang made the remarks on February 15, 2020 during a meeting with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg on the sidelines of the 56th Munich Security Conference. Noting that the Chinese nation advocates peace in its cultural genes, Wang said that China is following a different path from that of previous major countries, that is, pursuing its own peaceful development and also win-win cooperation with the rest of the world.
China follows a national defense policy that is defensive in nature, and its per-capita defense expenditure is far lower than that of other major countries, Wang said, adding that in response to the new international security situation, China has also proposed a new concept of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security.
These are positive contributions made by China to world peace, he said, adding that the country will continue to resolutely follow the right path of peace and cooperation.
China and NATO members do not have geopolitical conflicts and competition, and different views on some issues should not be the obstacle for exchanges and cooperation between the two sides, Wang said. Wang voiced hope that NATO will continue to foster a correct view of China and regard China as a friend and partner.