China slams Philippines’ provocation, US meddling in South China Sea

BEIJING: China will not allow the Philippines to act willfully on the South China Sea issue and rejects meddling of the issue by the United States, a spokesperson for the Chinese Ministry of National Defense said.
There is “no bigger factor than the U.S. interference” in causing turbulence in the South China Sea, and the Philippines’ harassment and provocations are the immediate cause of the recent escalation of the South China Sea issue, Wu Qian told a regular press conference in Beijing.
On the South China Sea issue between China and the Philippines, China opposes foreign interference, infringement and provocation, and advocates proper management of differences, Wu said. China is also fully prepared for any emergency, and will resolutely safeguard China’s territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, he said.
The spokesperson made the remarks in response to questions about Manila’s so-called “Comprehensive Archipelagic Defense Concept” and its accusations that China obstructed its resupply missions to Ren’ai Jiao multiple times.
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken recently accused China of its operations in the South China Sea, and reiterated U.S. defense commitment to the Philippines, and the U.S. side also criticized actions taken by the Chinese side against the Philippine side in the South China Sea on March 23, according to reports.
Commenting on the reports, Wu said on Thursday that for some time, in disregard of the facts, the U.S. provoked confrontation, backed up the Philippines, threatened and exerted pressure on China citing the so-called bilateral treaty, and sent military vessels to the South China Sea to stir up troubles.
These actions seriously undermine regional peace and stability, he said. “China’s attitude towards this is clear: the U.S. is in no position to interfere and the military cooperation between the U.S. and the Philippines must not harm China’s sovereignty and maritime rights and interests.” –The Daily Mail-CGTN news exchange item