China strengthens COVID-19 testing capacity nationwide

BEIJING: China’s virus prevention authority published a plan to further strengthen the country’s capacity for COVID-19 nucleic acid testing by specifically deploying facilities in local regions, which experts said will fully prepare the country for any potential recurrence of the COVID-19 ahead of an upcoming flu season.
Every 1 million residents should have one hospital or medical institute that can carry out tests. Besides hospitals and other medical institutes, a total of 100 public test labs will be deployed across the country to add to the testing capacity, and each will be able to test 10,000 samples a day, according to the new plan by the State Council’s joint prevention and control mechanism, the Xinhua News Agency reported on Monday.
The country will be managed in eight regions, and each will have testing capacity of 500,000 to 700,000 a day, so that in five to seven days, all people in a region could be tested, read the plan.
Staff training will be completed before October. A comprehensive, accurate and timely information management system for testing will also be established, according to the plan.China’s virus prevention authority published a plan to further strengthen the country’s capacity for COVID-19 nucleic acid testing by specifically deploying facilities in local regions, which experts said will fully prepare the country for any potential recurrence of the COVID-19 ahead of an upcoming flu season.
Every 1 million residents should have one hospital or medical institute that can carry out tests
Besides hospitals and other medical institutes, a total of 100 public test labs will be deployed across the country to add to the testing capacity, and each will be able to test 10,000 samples a day, according to the new plan by the State Council’s joint prevention and control mechanism, the Xinhua News Agency reported on Monday.
The country will be managed in eight regions, and each will have testing capacity of 500,000 to 700,000 a day, so that in five to seven days, all people in a region could be tested, read the plan.
Staff training will be completed before October. A comprehensive, accurate and timely information management system for testing will also be established, according to the plan.
– The Daily Mail-Global Times News exchange item