China Threat Theory, another Western Game

-Beijing says West’s hyping of CPC ‘infiltration’ ridiculous, untenable
BEIJING: The Chinese Foreign Ministry on Tuesday slammed the West’s hyping of members of the Communist Party of China (CPC) being potential spies as just another ridiculous and untenable “China threat” theory.
The ministry’s response came after some Australian and British media outlets published reports claiming that CPC members have infiltrated foreign institutions in China and pose security risks.
Those reports cited an alleged name list of 1.95 million CPC members, although the list’s credibility has come under question.
Western hype is just hysterical stigmatization of the CPC using ridiculous and untenable logic, ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said at Tuesday’s routine press conference.
The CPC led China onto the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics. It is the vanguard of both the Chinese working class and of the Chinese people and the nation. China’s reality is that 92 million CPC members play pioneering roles in different walks of life, Wang said.
The CPC keeps its promises and seeks happiness for people, peace for the world, and development for mankind, he said, noting that interactions between different countries should follow the basic principles of international relations and respect each other’s systems and situations.
Groundless smears and attacks on China and the CPC will be rejected by rational people with a conscience and sense of justice, Wang said.
– The Daily Mail-Global Times News exchange item