China Three Gorges Corporation donates medical supplies

By Asim Hussain

ISLAMABAD: China Three Gorges Corporation (CTGC) donated emergency medical supplies to National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) to help Pakistan fight Covid-19 pandemic, at a ceremony held here on Tuesday.
Pakistan Ambassador to China, Naghmana A. Hashmi attended the ceremony. Deputy Director General, Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Yao Wen, Chairman of China Three Gorges Corporation, Lei Mingshan and senior officials from Chinese government and corporate sector were also present.
China Three Gorges Corporation is a leading Chinese enterprise engaged in several power projects worth US$ 6 billion in Pakistan. The donated medical supplies amounting RMB 10 million include a vast quantity of disposable surgical masks, KN-95 masks, protective clothing and portable ventilators. The critical medical supplies aimed at reinforcing Pakistan’s disease prevention and control measures in its fight against COVID-19 epidemic would be transported via several special flights chartered by CTGC in coming days.
Speaking at the occasion, the participants underscored that medical supplies donated by CTGC were a demonstration of strong commitment and support Chinese government, corporate sector and general public have extended to Pakistan in its fight against COVID-19.
Approaching Pakistan’s strong moral and material support to China in early phase of COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan, the participants reaffirmed China’s firm resolve to stand by Pakistan during its fight against COVID-19. Thanking the participants for their warm sentiments of goodwill and support, Ambassador Naghmana Hashmi appreciated CTGC for its generous contribution for improving Pakistan’s capacity in its efforts to curb and contain viral epidemic.
She highlighted that Pakistan Embassy, over the past few weeks, had been the recipient of an overwhelming donations of critical medical supplies from cross-section of Chinese society thereby adding another chapter to remarkable history of bilateral ties between the two countries. On behalf of the NDMA, the Ambassador also received the certificate of handing-over of donations from Chairman of CTGC, Lei Mingshan.