China to continue supporting Iran in virus crisis

BEIJING: China will continue to support Iran in containing novel coronavirus while the international community should work with Iran to safeguard global public health security, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian said on Thursday.
Zhao’s remarks at a press briefing came as Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani reportedly said the United States should lift a ban from medicines if it really wants to help Iran fight the coronavirus outbreak.
The spokesperson stressed that, at this crucial moment, continued unilateral sanctions on Iran go against the spirit of humanity and would only deteriorate the situation.
The Chinese side urged relevant parties to immediately lift sanctions on Iran and avoid interference with the efforts made by Iran and the international community in containing the epidemic, Zhao said.
Having paid close attention to the situation in Iran, China sent anti-epidemic materials including testing kits, as well as a team of voluntary experts, to Iran, Zhao said. China hopes the international community will strengthen cooperation with Iran in epidemic prevention and jointly safeguard the world public health security, he added. The experts from China’s Red Cross Society, who arrived in Iran on Feb. 29, have been working conscientiously there to share anti-epidemic experience, and conduct in-depth exchanges with Iran’s Ministry of Health and Medical Education, the Red Crescent Society and the country’s other departments on epidemic prevention and control, Zhao said.The Iranian side has expressed gratitude and the World Health Organization has voiced high appreciation to China, he added.
As comprehensive strategic partners, China and Iran have always supported and helped each other in times of difficulties and stood firmly together, Zhao said, stressing that China will continue to provide assistance within its capacity and in accordance with Iran’s needs. – Agencies