China to expand Trade, Energy cooperation with Russia, says Xi

BEIJING: Chinese President Xi Jinping said on Tuesday that China is ready to expand cooperation with Russia in trade, invest-ment, supply chain, mega projects, energy, scientific research and innovation while meeting with Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin in Moscow. Since last year, the all-round practical cooperation between China and Russia has maintained a sound momentum of growth amid the complex external environment, Xi told Mishustin, speaking highly of bilateral cooperation in energy, strategic mega pro-jects and people-to-people, cultural and regional exchanges.
Xi noted that China and Russia are each other’s biggest neighbor and comprehensive strategic partner of coordination. The sus-tained, sound and steady growth of bilateral ties is consistent with the historical logic for our relationship and the fundamental inter-ests of our peoples. The 20th Communist Party of China (CPC) National Congress came to a successful conclusion recently, and new state institu-tion officials were elected at the recent Two Sessions, Xi said. The CPC, the whole country and the Chinese people are more united than ever and forging ahead on all fronts along the Chinese path to modernization. The new Chinese government deeply values the China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination and stands ready to work with the Russian side through institu-tionalized exchange channels, such as the mechanism of regular meetings between the Chinese premier and the Russian prime minis-ter to reach new goals and achieve fresh outcomes in bilateral cooperation.

Xi said China has remained Russia’s largest trading partner for 13 years in a row. Bilateral energy cooperation has continuously deepened, solid progress has been made on strategic mega projects and increasing people-to-people, cultural and regional exchanges have brought the two countries even closer. It is important that both sides work together to scale up and improve the quality of eco-nomic and trade cooperation, promote trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, and keep industrial and supply chains se-cure and stable.

The two sides can fully leverage the role of major connectivity projects to spur growth, jointly safeguard energy security, and expand bilateral economic and trade exchanges.

The Chinese president also called on the two sides to enhance cooperation in scientific research and innovation, promote sus-tained progress in cooperation and work for the continued success of the Chinese-Russian years of sports exchanges in 2022 and 2023, with more activities to be held in a well-planned way.

China attaches high importance to seeking synergy between the Belt and Road Initiative and the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), and stands ready to work with Russia and other EAEU member states to fully implement the Agreement on Economic and Trade Cooperation between China and the EAEU and deepen regional cooperation at a higher level, Xi said.

For his part, Mishustin said he led almost all important cabinet members of the Russian government to the meeting with Presi-dent Xi to warmly welcome President Xi for his state visit to Russia.

President Xi chose Russia as the first country to visit after his reelection, which carries extraordi-nary significance and fully reflects the distinctiveness of Russia-China relations in the new era, Mishustin said. The growth of Russia-China relations is at the highest level in history, which is conducive to better upholding multilateralism and promoting a multi-polar world in the current international situation. The mechanism of regular meetings between the Chinese premier and the Russian prime minister is unique in the world. Russia looks forward to having close coordination and cooperation with the new Chinese government, earnestly implementing the common under-standings reached by the two heads of state and strengthening the comprehensive strategic part-nership of coordination between the two countries, he noted.
Russia is willing to step up cooperation with China in investment and trade, energy, natural gas, the peaceful use of nuclear energy, aviation and aerospace, scientific and technological innova-tion, cross-border transportation and logistics, and strengthen communication and cooperation on issues such as the safety of supply and industrial chains and food security, Mishustin said. He also expressed hope that the two sides will further enhance people-to-people exchanges and co-operation in such areas as culture, youth and sports.
–The Daily Mail-CGTN news exchange item