China to strengthen crackdown on Cybercrimes

BEIJING: China’s procuratorate organs are set to take strict action against cybercrimes, according to a guideline recently issued by the Supreme People’s Procuratorate. Relevant authorities will strengthen the crackdown on telecom fraud, online pornography, online gambling, and the online trafficking of illegal guns, explosives and drugs, the guideline said.
The crackdown will also target criminal organizations that use the internet to commit fraud, collect on usurious loans, or make malicious compensation claims.
Per the guideline, those who coerce, instigate or seduce minors into committing telecom or online fraud will be severely punished.
The guideline has also called on prosecutors to work with legislative and administrative organs on legislation to tackle cybercrime.
The move to strengthen the crackdown on cybercrimes comes amidst growing concerns about the prevalence of these offenses in China. In recent years, the country has witnessed a sharp rise in cybercrime, including cases of fraud and online harassment.
The Chinese government has been taking steps to address the issue, with various initiatives and campaigns aimed at curbing cybercrime. The new guideline is part of these efforts and is expected to contribute significantly to the fight against cybercrimes in the country.
The crackdown on cybercrime is also essential for safeguarding China’s national security, as online threats can pose a significant risk to the country’s economy, infrastructure, and people’s lives. The new guideline aims to tackle this problem by targeting both individuals and criminal organizations that engage in cybercrimes.
In addition to the crackdown, the guideline also emphasizes the need for education and awareness-raising campaigns to help prevent cybercrimes.
–The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item