China urges objective stance over Afghanistan’s Taliban

BEIJING: A Chinese official on Wednesday urged the international community to take an “objective stance” over Afghanistan’s Taliban, saying social order in the country is gradually being restored.
In a regular press briefing, Wang Wenbin, spokesperson for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, also acknowledged that Afghanistan right now is at a crucial period transitioning from chaos to order with terrorist threats yet to be removed. Wang also called on the international community to remain engaged with the Afghan interim government and step up humanitarian and development assistance to the country, while stressing the preservation of the basic rights of all Afghan people, specifically all ethnic group members, women and children in the country.
Another Chinese official, Geng Shuang, on Tuesday echoed the same sentiment, urging enhancement, mutual understanding and trust, and helping the Afghan interim government build inclusive and moderate governance.
It is not constructive to keep accusing or pressuring the Afghan interim government or even to instrumentalize the issue of travel ban exemptions as a bargaining chip for negotiations. Such a move will only make the door for dialogue narrower and deepen confrontation and divergences, Geng, China’s deputy permanent representative to the United Nations, told a Security Council meeting on Afghanistan.
The past 20 years have once again proved that military intervention and external models simply do not work and that the future of Afghanistan can only be decided by the Afghan people themselves. The international community should fully draw lessons from the past 20 years, and not just pay lip service to the phrase “Afghan-led and Afghan-owned,” but should put it into practice, he added.
The international community should make it a top priority to help Afghanistan alleviate its humanitarian crisis and stabilize the economy, and should not politicize humanitarian and economic issues, nor link humanitarian aid and economic development with other political issues, said Geng, adding that Afghanistan’s frozen overseas assets should be used expeditiously for the improvement of Afghans’ life and economic reconstruction.
The security, counter-terrorism, counter-narcotics, and refugee issues facing the country are intertwined, and require a comprehensive approach to find solutions at the root, he said.
–The Daily Mail-CGTN news exchange item