China urges Washington to follow multi polar trend

BEIJING: Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi on September 9 urged the United States to follow the historical trend toward multipolarity in the world and democracy in international relations.
Wang made the remarks while attending the ASEAN-China foreign ministers’ meeting via video link.
Wang said that the differences and contradictions between China and the United States are not about power or status, nor are they conflicts of social systems. Instead, they are about upholding multilateralism or unilateralism, and about advocating win-win cooperation or zero-sum games.
In the age of globalization, all countries have become a part of a community with shared interests. Any unilateral bullying attempts to retain a monopoly position, sabotage other countries’ development achievements, or suppress the development space of other countries are doomed to fail, Wang said.
China has no ambition to seek hegemony, much less to replace the United States, Wang said. However, China will resolutely safeguard its sovereignty, security and development interests.
Meanwhile, China is willing to communicate with the United States through dialogue to push the U.S. side toward following the historical trend of multipolarity in the world and democracy in international relations, and correctly viewing and properly handling China-U.S. relations.
Regarding cooperation with ASEAN countries, Wang said China is willing to work with them to actively promote exchanges and cooperation in the post-pandemic period, face up to global and regional challenges together, and foster a closer China-ASEAN community with a shared future.
Wang made proposals to join efforts to thoroughly prevail over the epidemic, promote regional economic recovery, promote sustainable development, and improve the long-term planning for China-ASEAN cooperation.
– The Daily Mail-Beijing Review News exchange item