China, US Climate co-op hailed

NEW YORK: The potential for climate change collaboration between China and the United States has great significance for the world, although barriers remain, observers and experts have said.

The United Nations welcomes the climate talks between China and the United States. The announcement was made upon the conclusion of the bilateral meeting between the two heads of state in Indonesia this November, said Siddharth Chatterjee, a UN resident coordinator in China.

Speaking at a recent virtual panel discussion held by the China Institute in America, a U.S. non-profit organization, Chatterjee said a reinitiated high-level dialogue between the climate envoys from the two countries “gives the world much-needed reassurance and hope in increasingly uncertain times.”

At the 27th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP27) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change held in Egypt, one key outcome is “the reinitiated China-U.S. climate dialogue,” said Chatterjee in a pre-recorded video speech.

Chatterjee said that the two nations’ joint leadership and shared influence, as evident at COP27, will encourage other nations to pledge more ambitious and bolder climate commitments towards a sustainable future.

“By putting aside their differences to consider the future of humanity, China-U.S. climate collaboration can become an oasis that shall not again turn into a desert,” said Chatterjee.