China & US defense Chiefs’ talks achieve positive outcomes

BEIJING: The recent video talks between China and United States defense chiefs have achieved “positive and practical” outcomes, China’s Defense Ministry said on Thursday.
Wu Qian, the ministry spokesman, made the remarks at a regular news conference in Beijing regarding the video call between Chinese Defense Minister Admiral Dong Jun and US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin on April 16.
“The two sides had a candid and in-depth exchange of views on China-US state-to-state and military-to-military relations, the Taiwan question, the South China Sea issue and other international hotspot issues of common interest,” he said.
This call is an important step by the two militaries in implementing the consensus reached by the two heads of state and bears positive significance in maintaining the overall stability of bilateral military ties, said the spokesman.
Wu noted that since the end of last year, the two militaries have conducted a series of exchanges and cooperation, which has played a positive role in stabilizing and improving the relationship.
“We hope the US side will work with us in the same direction, value peace, stability and trust as the basic principles of exchanges,” he said.
Wu urged the US, based on equality and respect, to build bilateral military ties featuring no conflict, no confrontation, open and pragmatic cooperation and the gradual accumulation of mutual trust to truly serve as a stabilizer of bilateral relations.
Meanwhile, Chinese President Xi Jinping said Friday that China is happy to see a confident, open, prosperous and thriving United States and hopes the United States can also look at China’s development in a positive light. –The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item