China, US must find ways to get along: President Xi

-Sends congratulations to gala dinner of National Committee on US-China relations
-China ready to work with Saudi Arabia for reg ional peace, stability

BEIJING: President Xi Jinping said China and the United States must “find ways to get along” to safeguard world peace and development, CGTN reported on Thursday, as he embarks on his precedent-breaking third term in power.
Xi Jinping on Wednesday sent a congratulatory message to the annual gala dinner of the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations (NCUSCR).
Xi congratulated Evan Greenberg, vice chair of the national committee and chair of Chubb Limited and Chubb Group, on receiving an accolade at the gala and extended his appreciation to the committee and its members for their longstanding dedication to the growth of China-U.S. relations and the exchanges and cooperation between the two countries in various areas.
Noting that the world today is neither tranquil nor peaceful, Xi said closer communication and cooperation between China and the United States, both as major countries, will help bring greater stability and certainty to the world and promote world peace and development.
China stands ready to work with the United States to find the right way to get along with each other in the new era on the basis of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation, which will benefit not only the two countries but also the whole world, Xi said.
Xi said he hopes the committee and all those who care for and support China-U.S. relations will continue to play an active role and help bring the bilateral relations back to the track of sound and steady development.
Also on Wednesday, U.S. President Joe Biden sent a congratulatory message to the gala dinner of the committee. Founded in 1966, the NCUSCR is a non-partisan, non-profit organization dedicated to promoting understanding and cooperation between the United States and China.
Meanwhile, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Thursday that China was ready to step up communication and coordination with Saudi Arabia on hotspot issues in the Middle East and jointly safeguard regional peace and stability.
Wang, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, said China attaches great importance to the development of the China-Saudi Arabia relationship and has always regarded Saudi Arabia as a priority in its Middle East diplomacy.
Co-hosting with Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud, Wang made the remarks at the fourth meeting of the Political and Diplomatic Sub-committee of the China-Saudi Arabia High-level Joint Committee designed to guide and coordinate bilateral cooperation.
China appreciates the Saudi side’s adherence to the one-China principle and thanks the Saudi side for its longstanding and firm support on issues concerning China’s core interests, such as issues related to Xinjiang, Taiwan, Hong Kong and human rights, Wang said.
China appreciates the Saudi side’s support for China’s Global Development Initiatives and welcomes its active participation in the implementation of the initiatives, he said.
Wang said China also appreciates that the Saudi side pursues an independent and autonomous energy policy and makes active efforts to maintain the stability of the international energy market.
China supports Saudi Arabia to play a greater role in international and regional affairs, and is willing to strengthen communication and collaboration with the Saudi side in the United Nations, BRICS, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, G20 and other platforms to practice multilateralism and safeguard international justice, he added.
Faisal congratulated on the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. He said that Saudi Arabia and China have established a high degree of political trust, achieved fruitful cooperation results, conducted close coordination and communication, and effectively safeguarded their common interests.
The China-Saudi Arabia High-level Joint Committee has played an important role in promoting the development of Saudi Arabia-China relations, he said.
Saudi Arabia has always prioritized its relations with China, adhered to the one-China policy, resolutely opposed interference in China’s internal affairs and resisted politicization of human rights issues, he said.
Faisal said Saudi Arabia appreciates China’s support for the just cause of the Arab people, its support for the establishment of a weapons of mass destruction-free zone in the Middle East and its initiative to establish a multilateral dialogue platform in the Gulf region.
The Saudi side is willing to continuously promote the level of practical cooperation with China in political, economic and investment fields, he added.

–The Daily Mail-CGTN news exchange item