China vaccinates over 700m

BEIJING: More than 704.8 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines had been administered across China, the National Health Commission (NHC) said Thursday.
The number of doses administered has continued to rise at an ever-faster rate since China hit the landmark figure of 100 million on March 27. China took just 25 days to hit the next milestone of administering 200 million doses nationwide. It only took five days to increase vaccine distribution from 600 million doses to 700 million. A total of 20 vaccines have entered clinical trials in China since last year, according to Zheng Zhongwei, an official with the NHC. “China has been taking the lead in terms of the number of vaccines that are being developed.”
While quickening domestic vaccination and vaccine research and development, China has honored its solemn commitment to making COVID-19 vaccines a “global public good,” despite its own huge population and supply shortage at home.
So far, it has provided more than 350 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines to the international community, including vaccine assistance to more than 80 developing countries and exporting vaccines to more than 40 nations, which has made a significant contribution to the accessibility and affordability of vaccines. –Agencies