China Window Students briefed on scope of CPEC

PESHAWAR: Students from China Window, a centre of Pak-China friendship in Peshawar visited the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Board of Investment and Trade (KP-BOIT) to understand the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and investment opportunities and incentives offered by KP Government for investors.
Around 50 students─ representing different qualifications and areas of understanding Chinese courses at China Window Peshawar─ were briefed by officials of KP-BOIT. The discussion was followed by a question-answer session.
Hassan Daud Butt, CEO of KP-BOIT, also briefed the students on the KP government’s Industrial Policy and Investment Strategy.
“This is a very good initiative of China Window and GoKP to train youngsters in Chinese (mandarin) basic language skills,” said Mr Butt.
Earlier this year, China Window started a six-month diploma in the Chinese language. The classes are taking place five days a week. The course is offered in collaboration with the National Vocational and Technical Training Commission (NAVTTC). Upon completion of the course, NAVTTC also provides students with diplomas.
Journalist Amjad Aziz Malik established the Chinese Cultural Centre in 2018, which displays books, pictures of 40 years of reforms in China, Chinese food items, tourist destinations, maps of China and its popular cities.
The books are about Pak-China relations, Chinese history, culture, music, foods, folklores, acrobatics, calligraphy, etc.
Prior to the six-month diploma, China Window has been running short courses in Chinese. –Agencies