China’s COVID-19 aid is humanitarian, not geopolitical

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BEIJING: As the unprecedented coronavirus pandemic is taking a heavy toll globally, China has provided much-needed medical supplies and treatment experience to help many countries defeat the fatal virus.
However, certain critics and media have tried to politicize China’s sincere and substantial assistance, alleging “politics of generosity,” “mask diplomacy” and “propaganda.”
Some of them said “there is a geopolitical component, including a struggle for influence through spinning and the politics of generosity.”
It should be noted that some Western politicians just overthink and gauge the heart of a gentleman with their own standards. China has been offering emergency humanitarian aid to other countries, especially hard-hit or inadequately prepared nations to save more lives, to jointly control the global pandemic as early as possible. China’s government, enterprises at home and abroad, institutions, and provinces and cities have donated large amounts of face masks, test kits and protective suits to 120 countries and four international organizations. Chinese companies run day and night to produce ventilators and protective gear to deliver urgent orders from international clients while meeting domestic demands.
Chinese front-line medical experts have shared without any reserve their valuable treatment experience with peers in more than 100 countries and regions, through nearly 30 video conferences. China has sent teams of medical experts to Iran, Iraq, Italy, Serbia, Cambodia, Pakistan, Laos and Venezuela to help contain COVID-19.