China’s effort against poverty

BEIJING: The two things can clarify country’s achievements in poverty alleviation drive such as; First, China has used innovative approaches with communities in alleviating poverty through corporative initiatives, benefiting 222,000 and 371,700 minority groups in Malipo and Jinping Counties respectively in Yunnan Province.
Second, Ministry of Foreign Affairs solicit funds from Chinese citizens overseas and other related enterprises to a tune of 452 million yuan (approx. 66.2 million USD) to support poverty alleviation projects including food, clothing, education, health, overall village improvement, industries and training.
“The place south of the colorful clouds” as proudly known, Yunnan province is ethnically diverse, richly endowed with natural resources located in southwest China. The region is famous for its large number of ethnic minorities. The provincial capital is Kunming, in the northeast-central part of Yunnan. Currently, Yunnan is among the exemplary provinces for its achievement in eradicating poverty in China.
Influenced by the war against Vietnam in the 1980s, Yunnan found itself in a rock and a hard place in the provision of food and other social amenities to counties such as Malipo and Jinping located in the southeastern part of Yunnan province.
With 25 ethnic minorities living in compact communities which include the Ni, Bai, Hani, Dai, Lisu, Naxi, Yao, Jingbo, Buyi, Shui and Dulong, Yunnan is about 390,000 square kilometers with a population of about 48 million with over sixteen languages.
Yunnan is 3-4 hours flight away from Beijing, the capital city of the Peoples’ Republic of China. The people in Yunnan are very welcoming and friendly. This can be observed through their hospitality. Yunnan cuisine is delicious; the provincial local wine is lively; traditional dances and music also display the warmth of its people. Driving from Yunnan airport, it is like in a bliss where you see the most magical view.
From impressive farm fields; mountain tops to villages. It is certainly worthwhile to spend time exploring nature to discover all its beauty.
– The Daily Mail-Beijing Review News exchange item