China’s modernization drive needs innovations

BEIJING: The Party leadership’s proposals for formulating the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-25) as well as the long-term objectives through 2035 adopted at the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee in October underline the need to give priority to innovation in China’s modernization drive. The document also called for achieving self-independence and making China more competitive in science and technology.
This marks the first time the CPC put innovation at the top of the agenda during the formulation of five-year plans. Self-reliance and independent innovation have long been the focus for sci-tech development. The emphasis given to innovation at the plenum is consistent with previous pledges to pursue technological progress. The plenum also clarified how innovation is relevant today and what it means for China in the years to come.
The proposals said the world today is undergoing changes unseen in a century and the balance of international forces is subject to profound adjustment. A new round of sci-tech revolution is gaining momentum. It’s important to recognize the new challenges in the complex global environment and develop an eye for finding opportunities while detecting risks. Self-dependence will play a decisive role in attaining breakthroughs in key and core technologies and propelling China among the top innovating countries by 2035.
Since reform and opening up began in 1978, especially after joining the World Trade Organization in 2001, China has cooperated with other countries with its comparative advantages in labor and resources, speedily integrating into globalization. However, as these strengths ebb away, the traditional way of development is becoming hard to sustain.
At the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012, an innovation-driven development strategy was proposed. During the 19th CPC National Congress in 2017, it was decided that innovation would be the primary driving force behind development. Through continuous learning and accumulating experience, China has improved its capacity to think out of the box and climbed up on the international value chain.
With China’s industrial upgrading, the competition with the United States has become increasingly fierce. At a time when the new technological revolution is booming, science and technology have become the dominant force in reshaping the global landscape of competition. The information technology industry is the cornerstone of an intelligent society and a key field for countries to compete in sci-tech activities in the future. It will become an engine for future technologies. When the U.S. launched a trade war against China in 2018, it claimed the restrictive measures were meant to reduce the former’s huge trade deficit with the latter.
– The Daily Mail-Beijing Review News exchange item