China’s Trade takes 12.8% of global market

BEIJING: Based on data from WTO and various countries, for the first ten months of 2020, China’s import and export accounts for 12.8 percent of the entire global market, with import taking up 14.2 percent and export 11.5 percent, all record highs.
This was stated here by Zhao Lijian, Spokesperson of the Chinese Foreign Ministry. “These figures show that by first bringing the epidemic under control and resuming work and production, China not only boosted international trade growth, but also helped other countries in their fight against COVID-19, safeguarded the stability of global supply chains and facilitated world economic recovery.
China’s opening-up will not stop. We will continue to comprehensively elevate opening-up levels and foster a new dual-cycle development pattern with the domestic cycle as the mainstay and the domestic and international cycles reinforcing each other.
By doing this, we will provide immense market and development opportunities to other countries and promote world economic recovery and growth.
We also stand ready to work with other countries to resume normal economic and trade cooperation at an early date.
In 2020, as the world economy and global trade reel under the impact of COVID-19, China’s foreign trade rapidly bounced back and sustained positive momentum, showing strong resilience and comprehensive competitiveness.
Since June 2020, import and export has been growing for seven months in a row, making China the only major economy in the world to register positive growth in trade in goods,” the spookesperson added. – Agencies