Chinese aid for fighting virus arrives in Croatia

ZAGREB: A cargo aircraft from Shanghai carrying about 60 tons of medical supplies, including 3.7 tons donated by the Chinese government to Croatia, landed at the Franjo Tudman International Airport here on Sunday morning. Through cooperation with Chinese state-owned pharmaceutical companies, MEHECO and SINOPHARM, the Croatian government has purchased large quantities of protective equipment for fighting against COVID-19, making it the largest shipment of medical supplies from China since the outbreak of the pandemic in Croatia.

The Chinese donations onboard the direct cargo flight includes N95 face masks, surgical masks, disposable protective suits and single-use rubber surgical gloves, all in boxes labeled with national flags of China and Croatia and the words “a friend in need is a friend indeed” in both languages.

“Today’s shipment is another example of quality and concrete cooperation between Croatia and China,” the Croatian government said on Sunday in a press release.

Chinese Ambassador Xu Erwen, who went to the airport with Croatian Health Minister Vili Beros and the Head of the Prime Minister’s Office Zvonimir Frka-Petesic, said that during the most difficult period when China was fighting against COVID-19 epidemic, the Croatian government and people immediately sent condolences and support to China. – Agencies