Chinese community donates over 26,000 masks to PIMS

By Ajmal Khan Yousafzai

ISLAMABAD: The Chinese community came forward to support Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS) in battle against Coronavirus, for which over 26 thousand face masks were donated to help and control the spread of Coronavirus infection, here on Tuesday.
On the occasion, Mr Hu handed over the donation of over twenty six thousand face masks to PIMS hospital authorities. “This is a humble donation for the medical workers fighting Coronavirus. This might help contain the spread of virus infection and encourage the medical workers, who bravely fighting the evil virus”, said Hu.
This donation was made by the Chinese companies stationed in Pakistan. They are confident of the Pakistani government initiatives to control the spread of Coronavirus. And to support the cause, the donation was made to accelerate the fight against COVID-19. “The Pakistani government is taking all-out efforts in fight against epidemic, which is much needed to control the spread of COVID-19. We offer a goodwill gesture to support the medical workers, who fight on the front against the invisible enemy of humanity. Our hope is that the brave medics of Pakistani will overcome the enemy. Therefore, we stand by our brothers in this time of need, to support them in fight against Coronavirus epidemic. This is a small gesture of goodwill from the Chinese living in Pakistan,” emphasized Hu.
The epidemic took pace in Pakistan but people should not be worried, as China is a good example, the Coronavirus epidemic is not only controlled and fully curbed. There are no new infection cases in China, with the united efforts of Chinese government, Medical Workers, Doctors and Chinese people. “The number of infection doubled this week in Pakistan but people should not panic, they need to adopt preventive measures to control and eliminate the virus from the roots, Just like China. China has successfully controlled the virus infection in the last two months”, he asserted.
“Pakistani nation can defeat the COVID-19 pandemic, by holding to the Qauid-i-azam principle of Faith, Unity and Discipline, and fully taking the necessary preventive measures to contain and eliminate the spread of Coronavirus infection”, he concluded.