Chinese Defense Minister says PLA ready to curb ‘Taiwan independence’

BEIJING: Chinese Defense Minister Dong Jun said on Sunday that the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) is prepared to take resolute actions to curb “Taiwan independence” and ensure that “Taiwan independence” will never happen.
Dong made the remarks in a speech on China’s approach to global security at the 21st International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore.
“We countries in the Asia-Pacific have the ability to resolve tensions among ourselves; we despise coercion from outside hegemonic powers,” he said, before proposing six measures to safeguard security and stability in the Asia-Pacific. Dong said the Taiwan question is the core of China’s core interests, and the one-China principle has long been recognized as a basic norm of international relations.
China has always respected the reasonable concerns of all countries, and likewise, China’s core interests are sacred and inviolable, he said, adding that safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity is the sacred mission of the Chinese military.
He added that China has always been committed to peaceful reunification, but this prospect is being undermined by “Taiwan independence” elements and external forces. Dong said the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authorities have been promoting “incremental independence” and pushing “de-sinicization” in an attempt to cut the social, historical and cultural ties between both sides of the Taiwan Straits.
He said external forces are continuously attempting to obscure and hollow out the one-China principle, insisting on selling arms to the Taiwan region and illegally engaging in official exchanges, which in essence are promoting “Taiwan independence” and attempting to use the Taiwan region to suppress China, and these “evil intentions” are leading the region into a dangerous situation.
On China’s defense policy
Dong said that “China values peace and harmony. Peaceful development is an integral part of our Constitution. We never seek hegemony or military expansion.”
Since the introduction of reform and opening up, China has chosen to downsize the PLA by over 4 million troops, which proves China never seeks hegemony and expansion, the defense minister added. He said China maintains that disputes should be resolved through dialogue and opposes the law of the jungle.
The Chinese military also upholds open cooperation and has military exchanges with over 150 countries, Dong noted.
China supports open cooperation to jointly pursue peace and opposes building exclusive military alliances, he said, adding that the “small circles” targeting other countries will only make situations more intense. –The Daily Mail-CGTN news exchange item