Chinese doctors live up to the trust of Pakistani boy

WUHAN: “Thank you so much! Chinese doctors and nurses are so nice. Your efforts mean a lot to my family,” said Muhammad Arshad, the father of a Pakistani patient at Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University (ZNWU).
Arshad is a teacher of a university in Islamabad, Pakistan. His son, 6-year-old Arshad Jr. was diagnosed with brainstem tumor at the beginning of 2022. Arshad was deeply worried about it as Pakistani doctors were uncertain about taking operation for his son. As a father, Arshad wants to do everything he can to save his child. Arshad had studied and got his doctoral degree on cognitive science at Tsinghua University, China. So Arshad has many Chinese friends.
Two friends recommended professor Chen Jincao, a top expert on neurosurgery and also chief physician of ZNWU. Arshad soon decided to take his son and wife to Wuhan China, putting his hope in professor Chen.
After the quarantine due to COVID-19, Arshad Jr. was admitted to ZNWU on May 11, 2022. Soon, Professor Chen called for a consultation with experts from about ten departments including Pediatrics, oncology and chemoradiotherapy Department to discuss the best treatment plan for Arshad Jr. However, the test results of Arshad Jr. was not very good.
“The tumor has invaded 80 percent of brainstem, which is rare,” said Professor Chen. “It means the following surgery will be difficult and it also presents a tough challenge to the medical team,” Chen added. –Agencies