Chinese Envoy blasts US Nuclear Posture Review

BEIJING: Chinese Ambassador for Disarmament Affairs Li Song on Friday blasted the newly released Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) of the United States.
In his remarks at a plenary meeting of the First Committee of the UN General Assembly, Li said the NPR released on Thursday reveals how the United States, with its nuclear weapons in hand, observes the world and deals with other countries.
“This document hypes up major-power competition and bloc confrontation, which reflects the logic of hegemonism seeking absolute military superiority. This is clearly against the world’s desire to prevent nuclear war and avoid a nuclear arms race,” he said.
The latest U.S. nuclear strategy, together with its related policies and plans, will definitely have a complex, far-reaching and seriously negative impact on global strategic security and stability, the strategic security relationship among major powers, as well as on the international and multilateral nuclear arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation processes, he warned.
In this NPR, the United States has made irresponsible remarks and accusations as well as groundless speculation on China’s normal modernization of its nuclear forces.
It has brazenly “tailored” a nuclear deterrence strategy against China. China is seriously concerned about and firmly opposes such a move, said Li.
We urge the U.S. not to assess China in the hegemonistic way that the U.S. behaves itself and imagine other countries as rivals or adversaries.
–The Daily Mail-CGTN news exchange item