Chinese Envoy strongly refutes West-backed rumours about Xinjiang

NEW YORK: Dai Bing, China’s deputy permanent representative to the United Nations, on Thursday refuted the lies fabricated by some Western countries about the situation in China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.
Dai made the remarks at the United Nations Security Council high-level open debate on strengthening accountability and justice for serious violations of international law.
The Chinese envoy pointed out the accusation of “genocide” and “forced labor” in Xinjiang is a flat-out lie of the century.
Dai stressed the U.S. and UK are afraid their lies about “genocide” and “forced labor” will be debunked in front of the international community and they now even go as far as to mislead the international community with more lies on China.
No matter how many lies the U.S. spreads, they cannot hide the fact that Xinjiang enjoys stability and prosperity, and its people live a happy and fulfilling life, he stressed.
Anyone who has visited Xinjiang will never agree with the lies fabricated by the U.S. and UK, Dai said, adding their behavior only further reveals that they’ve turned human rights issues into a tool for politicization and exposes their plot to contain China with the Xinjiang-related issue.
Dai also asked whether countries or individuals like the U.S. and the UK, who blatantly create rumors and lies, confuse the public and smear other countries, should also be held accountable.
Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi earlier this year had accused some forces of deliberately hyping up China’s Xinjiang affairs and reiterated that allegations of so-called genocide, forced labor and religious oppression were fabricated.
Wang made the remarks when delivering a video speech at the high-level segment of the UN Human Rights Council’s 49th session with the theme of upholding fairness and justice and promoting the sound development of global human rights.
According to Wang, over the past six decades, the gross domestic product (GDP) of northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region has increased about 160 times while per capital GDP has grown about 30 times.
The Uygur population in the region has risen from 2.2 million to about 12 million, and the average life expectancy has risen from 30 years to 74.7 years, he added.
Noting on average that there is a mosque for every 530 Muslim people in Xinjiang, Wang said the ratio is higher than in many Western and Muslim countries.
The Chinese foreign minister also welcomed people from all walks of life around the world, who hold an impartial position, to visit Xinjiang.
Stressing promotion and protection of human rights is a common cause for all countries, Wang had said as he was introducing China’s four proposals.
He had called for becoming a real practitioner of human rights protection, saying the development of human rights must be based on national conditions and people’s needs and coordinate with improvement of all people’s economic, political, social, cultural and environmental rights so as to realize the all-round development of human beings.
Wang had said countries should be the faithful guardian of people’s interests. “Living a happy life is the primary human right.”
He also had called on all parties to act as an active contributor to common development as well as be a firm defender of fairness and justice.
“We should unswervingly promote the democracy and the rule of law in international relations,” Wang had said while calling for practicing genuine multilateralism, and pushing global human rights governance in a more fair, reasonable and inclusive direction.
The Human Rights Council should uphold the principles of non-selectivity and non-politicization, and shouldn’t be a stage for political confrontation, the Chinese foreign minister had added.
China will unswervingly follow the path of human rights development that is in line with the trend of the times and suits to its own national conditions, Wang had said.
He had added China will adhere to the people-centered concept of human rights, continuously develop whole-process people’s democracy, promote common prosperity for all people and protect the human rights of the Chinese people at a higher level.
–The Daily Mail-CGTN
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