Chinese FM shrugs off ‘state-led’ claims on boycott

Beijing: Chinese foreign ministry on Monday shrugged off accusations that Chinese public’s boycott of some West brands over Xinjiang cotton was “state-led,” saying the public was infuriated at some foreign firms that decided to reject Xinjiang cotton based on nothing but lies.
Some people in the US not only throw mud at Xinjiang cotton, damaging the cotton industry in Xinjiang and even China’s economic interests as a whole, but even want to isolate the Chinese government from public opinion, “which shows its evil purpose,” said foreign ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian at a Monday press conference.
Zhao made the remarks after the spokespersons of the White House and US Department of State made comments on Xinjiang cotton on Friday, accusing the Chinese government of leading a “state-led” social media campaign against foreign companies “for their decision to avoid inputs using Xinjiang cotton because of forced labor.”
The White House press secretary called on the international community to “oppose China’s weaponizing of private companies’ dependence on its market to stifle free expression and inhibit ethical business practices.”
“We mentioned more than once that there’s no so-called ‘forced labor’ in Xinjiang,” said Zhao, noting that picking cotton brings high profits, and Xinjiang’s cotton-pickers signed labor contract with cotton planters based on the principal of equality, consensus and negotiation, which means there is no “forced labor.” –Agencies