Chinese FM urges stable relation with Washington

BEIJING: Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Friday stressed that it is necessary for China and the US to rebuild the strategic framework for the healthy and stable development of bilateral relations, calling for a resumption of dialogue, cooperation and trust.
Wang made his remarks during a speech at the opening of a symposium themed “international situation and China’s diplomacy in 2020” in Beijing.
He mentioned that China-US relations have come to a new historical juncture. And it is essential for the two countries to review the experience of mutually beneficial cooperation, reflect on the lessons of the low ebb of bilateral ties in recent years, and rebuild the strategic framework for healthy and stable development, which is also based on the fundamental interests of the two countries’ peoples and common well-being of all countries.
Wang called for a resumption of China-US dialogue, which is an effective way to correctly understand each other’s strategic intentions as well as internal and external policies.
“China is ready to open a dialogue with the US on an equal footing at all levels and in all fields for candid, in-depth and constructive exchanges. We are striving for common ground while reserving differences, and prudently managing differences,” said Wang.
In order to restart cooperation, Wang called for bilateral cooperation in the field of anti-pandemic efforts. He said the two countries also have the responsibility to strengthen communication on other major issues such as the global economy, climate change, counter-terrorism and cyber issues, in order to bolster global peace, stability and economic recovery.
– The Daily Mail-Global Times News exchange item