Chinese govt updates official dictionary of careers

BEIJING: China launched an updated State-level professions dictionary that includes 158 new professions such as cryptography engineer and financial technician, according to a dictionary of occupational titles issued by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security.
The updated dictionary is a result of the refined social division of labor and the emergence of new professions thanks to economic development and industrial upgrading, the ministry said. The dictionary is a revised version of those launched in 1999 and 2015.
“The profession dictionary plays a fundamental and instructive role in helping us plan out the market’s needs for a labor force and in analyzing the working population. Also, it is beneficial to vocational education and employment guidance,” ministry spokesman Lu Aihong said at an online news conference on Wednesday.
China’s first State-level profession dictionary established a classification system adapted to the national situation at the time. The dictionary was revised in 2015 after the advancement of technology and the economic transformation of some professions.
Wu Liduo, director of the China Employment Training Technical Guidance Center, who is also director of the expert committee for the revision of the profession dictionary, said at the news conference that it classifies professions in eight categories adding 158 new professions.
–The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item