Chinese groups donate PPEs to UK hospitals

LONDON: The British Chinese Community Group donated 30,000 medical gowns to the Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust in London on Monday, to help ease the shortage of personal protective equipment, or PPE, on the frontline of the United Kingdom’s fight against the COVID-19 disease.
The donation, made under the We Care NHS initiative, was mainly organized by the London Chinatown Chinese Association and a local Chinese community group called Zhejiang UK Association.
The donors raised money and collected medical supplies from more than 100 local Chinese communities and Chinese people in the UK.
Deng Zhuting, president of the London Chinatown Chinese Association, said during the donation ceremony that the donated medical supplies represent “the hearts and minds of more than 100 Chinese community groups and individuals”.
“They would like to show their appreciation to the NHS during the pandemic and to help in any way to protect the NHS staff in their selfless endeavor to save lives and beat the virus,” he said.
David Lawson, chief procurement officer for Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust said: “We are pleased to confirm receipt of 30,000 protective gowns, essential and timely for our work fighting COVID-19, and to thank the British Chinese Community for this generous donation.”
According to the organizer of the initiative, about 70,000 surgical masks and other medical equipment is on its way to the UK.
– The Daily Mail-China Daily News exchange item