Chinese medics suggest 28-day virus lockdown

-Overall tally surges to 3,156 as Punjab reports most cases in single day
-Country-wide recoveries climbs to 170

From Abid Usman

LAHORE: Chinese health experts hailed steps taken by the Punjab government to curb the spread of the virus in the province.The remarks were made by a delegation of Chinese doctors, which is in Pakistan to help the local authorities fight the coronavirus pandemic met Chief Minister Usman Buzdar in Lahore today.
Speaking on the occasion, the Chinese doctors underlined the need of continuation of lockdown for at least twenty eight days to halt the spread of coronavirus.
“Social distancing is the key to stop the spread of the virus and authorities should ensure lockdown for 28 days,” the experts recommended CM Buzdar.
The Punjab government had imposed a lockdown on March 23 for 14 days after a spike in the cases but restrictions were relaxed to ensure smooth supply of essential items. Currently, the province leads the nation-wide tally of confirmed cases with over 1,100 patients.
Clarifying a myth that the virus does not survive in high temperatures, the doctors said there was no evidence that the virus would not spread in the summer.
The experts, who have earlier worked in China’s epicentre Wuhan, told the officials to contain the virus as soon as possible.
Coronavirus patient should be treated at quarantine centres or at hospitals rather than being kept at home,” they said,
Briefing on the passive immunisation method for COVID-19 treatment, they said in critical circumstances plasma treatment is proved useful. “Three anti-viral

drugs have also been used successfully.”
The experts also endorsed the SOPs of the Punjab government to contain the virus and for the treatment of patients and also shared their experiences with the provincial authorities during their posting in Wuhan.
CM Buzdar thanked the support and assistance provided by the Chinese government to Pakistan in time of need and said the friendship between the two countries have stood the test of time.
The efficiency with which Chinese authorities have fought the battle against the epidemic is an example for the whole world and Pakistan would learn lesson your experiences, Buzdar said. Pakistani authorities on Sunday have reported 45 deaths from novel coronavirus while the total number of cases has surged to 2880.
According to details, 1163 patients have been tested positive for the epidemic in Punjab, 864 in Sindh, 372 in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, 206 in Gilgit-Baltistan, 185 in Balochistan, 78 in Islamabad and 12 in Azad Kashmir.
So far, 170 patients have recovered in the country while 18 are in critical condition.Prime Minister Imran Khan has said that the battle against coronavirus is a long one. He also said that the deadly virus does not discriminate and everyone is in its crosshairs, the public should not believe falsehoods on social media.
He assured that all the donations and contributions to support the vulnerable segments of the society would be made through judicious and transparent way through use of latest scientific applications.
The prime minister said there would be no political interference with regard to distribution of such relief package.
Provincial Health Minister Dr. Yasmin Rashid said that in Punjab, there are only two patients of coronavirus in critical condition and that 90% of patients do not show symptoms of the virus while the rest experience fever and coughs.
The minister said that 10,000 people belonging to Tableeghi Jamat and 187 people are admitted in different hospitals. She said that in total 18,269 people have been tested for the virus.
In an effort to stop the spread of coronavirus, the National Coordination Committee (NCC) has decided to extend the countrywide lockdown till April 14.
Federal Minister for Planning Asad Umar informed that goods transport carrying food will remain open, while medicines will be available for the general public in all four provinces of the country. The number of confirmed cases in Pakistan rose to 3,124 on Sunday after more cases were reported across the country. In Punjab, more than 100 new cases were reported across the province, taking the the provincial tally to 1,380. Balochistan reported three new cases, taking the provincial tally to 189.
“We took 43 samples, of which three came back positive, the rest negative,” Balochistan government spokesperson said. The spokesperson added 32 patients have recovered from the virus in the province so far. On the other hand, SIndh’s tally of confirmed cases rose to 881 after 37 new cases were reported in the province .
On Sunday, new cases were also reported in Gilgit Baltistan and Azad Jammu and Kashmir. According to officials, four new cases were reported n GB taking its tally to 210, while AJK reported two new cases taking its tally to 14.
The country also reported two new deaths, one in Sindh and the other in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, taking the nationwide toll to 45.
Chinese doctors hail steps taken by Punjab govt
Chinese health experts have hailed the steps taken by the Punjab government to curb the spread of the virus in the province.
The remarks were made by a delegation of Chinese doctors, which met Chief Minister Usman Buzdar in Lahore today.
The Chinese health experts also advised the Punjab government to ensure lockdown for at least 28 days in the province before relaxing it in a phased manner.
“Social distancing is the key to stop the spread of the virus and authorities should ensure lockdown for 28 days,” the experts recommended CM Buzdar.
The Punjab government had imposed a lockdown on March 23 for 14 days after a spike in the cases but restrictions were later relaxed to ensure smooth supply of essential items. The experts also endorsed the SOPs of the Punjab government to contain the virus and for the treatment of patients.
CM Buzdar thanked the support and assistance provided by the Chinese government to Pakistan in time of need and said the friendship between the two countries has stood the test of time.